Special Guardianship

For all sorts of reasons, parents are sometimes unable to look after their children. In some cases, family and friends are called upon to help out and take on the role of the child’s carer and all the responsibility that comes with it.

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Perhaps you are the child’s carer or maybe you are a foster carer. If so, special guardianship may be appropriate for you and the child you are caring for.

Our family law experts can help you acquire the legal framework to make decisions about the child’s upbringing, so that you can provide a loving home to the child until he or she is 18.

Unlike adoption, special guardianship does not completely remove the parental responsibility of a child’s birth parents, but instead preserves the link between the child and his or her birth parents.

At the same time it allows the special guardian to care for the child on a day-to-day basis and gives them responsibility for making the bigger decisions that will impact on the child’s life with full, legal security.

Applying for a Special Guardianship Order

If you wish to apply to be the special guardian of a child in your care, you will need expert legal advice to guide you through the process and give you the best possible chance of success. Applications are often made in unhappy circumstances, and relationships between you (as carer) and the birth parents can be difficult.

The child you care for will often be confused and may be experiencing many different emotions.

Our dedicated family lawyers provide expert advice in dealing with special guardianship applications and are committed to handling your case in a pragmatic and sensitive way that focuses on the interests of the child in your care first and foremost, as well as your own needs.

Contact us using this form or give our team a call on 0161 96 3131.

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Our solicitors are experts in handling cases for special guardianship.