How Do Modern Families Plan Their Inheritance?

June 14, 2023, By Slater Heelis

The structure of the modern family is changing, which brings up new legal concerns. One significant issue that’s grown in importance is the complicated task of planning how assets and properties should be passed down, especially regarding second marriages and blended families. The rise of remarriages in the UK has led to more blended families, which has added more layers of complexity to decisions about inheritance.

What was once the realm of drama-laden television series like Succession, depicting the Roy siblings’ tortuous battles over their inheritance, is fast becoming a relatable reality. The narrative isn’t confined to the sphere of the super-rich; the stakes are high for everyone involved in a blended family structure. The increase in remarriages leading to more blended families has led to a spike in inheritance disputes. A recent case brought before the High Court paints a vivid picture of these complexities, where three siblings were left in the lurch when their stepmother, following their father’s death, revised her will in favour of their stepbrother.

This cautionary tale is not an outlier but an echo of a rising trend. With nearly 30% of marriages in the UK now being second or subsequent unions, the complexity within the family structure is expanding to include step-parents and step-siblings, often leading to complicated inheritance issues. This growing intricacy calls for careful planning and specialist legal guidance.

At Slater Heelis, we have seen this trend first-hand and are experienced in navigating the labyrinth of inheritance planning for second marriages. This approach requires specialist legal assistance to ensure it’s done correctly, but it affords peace of mind, knowing that things will unfold as planned.

As the landscape of families changes, expert legal advice becomes paramount. Inheritance planning for second marriages and blended families is no longer a side issue but a necessary conversation to have. Protecting your assets and preventing potential conflict among your loved ones is crucial.

At Slater Heelis, our experienced lawyers are ready to assist you in navigating these complex issues. We understand that each family is unique, and every situation requires a custom-tailored approach. Our aim is not only to protect your financial interests but also to preserve harmony within your family.

If you need help with inheritance planning, navigating second-marriage legalities, or managing inheritance disputes within blended families, don’t hesitate to get in touch. Our expert team is well-versed in the intricacies of modern family structures and is committed to providing comprehensive, compassionate, and competent legal advice.

You can reach us at 0330 111 3131 or by submitting a contact form.