Increase in Tribunal compensation limits

March 16, 2020, By

From 6th April 2020, new increased compensation limits for Tribunal claims will come into force.  Increased figures are as follows: –


  •  Maximum amount of a week’s pay will become £538 (increased from £525).
  •  Limit on the unfair dismissal compensatory award will increase to £88,519 (increased from £86, 444).
  •  Minimum amount of unfair dismissal basic award for trade union, health and safety, working time representative, pension scheme trustee and employee representative dismissal have increased to £6,562 (increased from £6,408).
  •  Maximum amount for unlawful exclusion or expulsion from trade union has increased to £10,022 (increased from £9,787).
  •  Guarantee payment has increased to £30 (increased from £29).
  •  The amount for unlawful inducement relating to trade union membership/activities or collective bargaining has increased to £4,294 (increased from £4,193).
  •  The maximum basic award for unfair dismissal will become £16,140 which makes the maximum total basic and compensatory awards for unfair dismissal £104,659.